JPL High Pressure Bin Washing System

DYNASET JPL High Pressure Bin Washing System converts the hydraulic power of a waste collecting machine into high pressure washing power. System enables automatic bin washing and wastewater collection. The waste collecting unit with JPL can be operated by one user. JPL effectively washes the bins with fully automatic robots or manual power washer. Every model includes power washing pistol for other uses. JPL system can also be equipped with water heating unit for hot water washing.

Base machines and installation

JPL is a compact system that can be installed into any hydraulic system and on any waste collecting vehicle. Basic system comes with easily installable high pressure water pump, power washing pistol, and hose reel. The washing robot comes with booms, 3D-washing nozzles, water tank and installation valves.

How does the DYNASET JPL High Pressure Bin Washing System work?

JPL High Pressure Bin Washing System is powered by the base machine’s hydraulic system. When operator of the waste truck has emptied the waste bin, the JPL is ready to operate. With the basic model user washes the bin with the power washer.

The Robot washer model operates automatically when activated. The 3D-nozzle is automatically inserted into the bin for washing and when finished the system returns a clean bin. The washing water is collected into a separate container.


Installing the JPL onto a waste collecting machine increases the machine’s versatility and productivity. With the JPL the collection and the washing services can be done with one vehicle. The profitability increases remarkably with reduces work time and used machinery.

Clean technology

DYNASET JPL High Pressure Bin Washing System is eco-friendly. With the high pressure washing the water consumption is optimized to give the best washing result while saving water. Also additional washing chemicals are not required when washing with high pressure. The waste water is collected to separate container for later disposal. It can also be circulated for re-use with optional circulation equipment, to save even more water.


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